Friday, November 20, 2020

Gone Fishing

We recently replenished our fish tanks with some beautiful new fish!

Choclo restarted a ten gallon tank with a betta, some corys, and a few neon tetras.

He named his crown tail betta Hamlet, "because he's such a drama king."

As you can see, he is challenging his lovely reflection!

He also got a pair of these panda corydora catfish.

They are a fun little cleanup crew: where ever one is, the other is sure to be sniffing along so as not to miss out on anything.




Meanwhile, in Oob's tank, his enormously old (and extremely large) cory continues on happily with some new tankmates.


He has four or five very vibrant male guppies.  It's a good amount: they like to chase each other around, but there are enough fish that no one fish gets stressed.

 Lastly, in the big community tank, I added a dwarf gourami.  I love these fish- they are so vibrant!

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