Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy Birthday, Mxyl!

 Well, a belated birthday, anyway!

How awesome is that?

He had a party with friends where he introduced them to the wonders of Kodu (a game design program) and banana cake.
And, of course, we had a family party for him, too!

He decided that the theme for day would be crazy, which explains the crazy clothes.

Did I mention they were all CRAZY?

Well, they were, and they had a great time!
Fourteen great things about Mxyl
1. He's able to figure out more computer stuff than I can.
2. He's humble about that.
3. He's really strong.
4. He's gentle with his younger siblings.
5. His puns are quiet but deadly.
6. He has awesome lightsaber skills.
7. He remembers virtually everything he reads.
8. He "gets" math at a deep level.
9. He's got a crazy sense of humor.
10. His jokes are never mean, they make other people laugh and feel better.
11. He comes up with solutions that make everyone happy.
12.  He's a good and reverent altar server.
13. He's a great scout (First Class, I'd say!).
14. He thinks of others.
14. He sees something that needs to be done and quietly does it.
14. He can count better than I can. :)

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