Tuesday, July 26, 2011


 As you can see, we have been off traveling.  This particular mode of transportation is known as a surrey.

We actually try one every other year that we go to the beach, but this was the first year where we had 6 people who could actually pedal and only 2 seat warmers.

 Wow!  What a change from 2 pedaling with 4 seat warmers!!!

The Emperor did an excellent job getting us to pedal up hill together by encouraging everyone to yell, "Oooooh!  Aaaah!  Oooooh!  Aaaah! Paiiiiiiiin!  Paiiiiin!"

That was more fun than it sounds, as well as providing endless amusement to passersby.

Mxyl commented that he would need a new pair of shoes after that ride.  I commented that I would need a new pair of legs... But, actually, it was the first time we've ever done this without my legs being sore afterwards!

That being said, I think we'll keep Blue Streak a little longer.

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