Friday, April 6, 2012

Dominican Fun for You!

 Our little chapter of St. Pius V is getting bigger!  In fact, this year, we were large enough to host the regional meeting of Lay Dominicans from Virginia, DC, Maryland and Delaware!

We decided to combine it with our semiannual lecture series.  We had about 45 people at the meeting and 65 at the talk (some of the Dominicans had to leave to make the long trip home, and members of the public came to the talk).
 We had the always delightful (and funny) Fr. John Corbett, O.P. again, this time talking about "Faith and Reason on Same Sex Marriage."  A member of our chapter taped it and put it on You Tube starting at the link in the title.

He did a great job, first discussing Biblical objections, and then highlighting the philosophical objections, all in a humorous but respectful way.
 We also had  Julie Vidmar of the Maryland Marriage Alliance on hand to help collect signatures to put the same sex marriage law on the ballot this November.

We got more than 30 signatures!  Not bad considering that many in the audience were not from Maryland and therefore could not sign.

Incidentally, we also have the last talk he did for us on You Tube: The Problem of Moral Action, as well as Fr. John Baptist Ku, O.P.'s talk on Humanae Vitae.  The Emperor is introducing Fr. Corbett, and I am introducing Fr. Ku. 

In Fr. Corbett's most recent talk, we had microphone troubles at the beginning, which is why everyone is laughing, and he has no introduction!

UPDATE:  It turns out we have one more talk on line:  Doing Good and Wanting To: St Thomas, Natural Law, and Moral Issues by Fr. Elias Henritzey, O.P.

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