Thursday, April 5, 2012

Holy Week Stuff

Here's a post mostly shamelessly cribbed borrowed from the always excellent Catholic Icing.

We will definitely be making Easter Story Cookies.  We do this every year, I don't remember where originally we got it, but Catholic Icing has the best version with a convenient printable recipe.

Our dear Rose made Stations of the Cross books with the Zoomlians.  These are pretty involved, they did them over two or three sessions, but they are really nice and we'll be praying through them on Friday.  She cut and pasted the coloring pages onto purple paper and then they glued a symbol onto the opposite page of the booklet.  For example, on the station where Jesus is nailed to the cross, on the right page of the booklet is the coloring page, on the left, they glued a nail.

I want to do this printable 3D Easter set up.

I dream of doing these Resurrection eggs, but I am wondering if I'll get to them...

I am hoping to go to the Franciscan Monastery where they have replicas of the place Jesus died and where He was buried.  My Mom has been to the Holy Land and she said the Monastery's replicas are very accurate except it's less commercial!

We are doing a variety of (stockpiled from previous years) Easter crafts from Oriental Trading...

We are making candy.  Lots of candy!  I think that will be a separate post because I am off to get that project started!!!

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