Thursday, September 6, 2012

Chomp Chomp

 We have started off Adventuring again!

Last week we went off to the Natural History museum to the Ocean Hall to round off our Sea Week.  Yes, weeks do contain varying numbers of days around here!

We parked near the sculpture garden and wandered through.

The Zoomlians all wanted to stop and sketch - why not?  There's nothing like a new box of colored pencils!

The favorite ocean thing we saw was a tie between their preserved giant squid, and these reproduction megalodon jaws (with real fossil teeth!).

Our squid is bigger than theirs, but their shark teeth were definitely bigger ours!  But we have less of a budget...

They also had no less than five preserved angler fish - one of Choclo's favorites.

 We looked a bit at the dinosaur fossils and then went up to their insect zoo, a perennial favorite.

We have been there at three or four different tarantula feeding times over the years, and we've never seen one actually eat. The keeper explained that they can go weeks without eating, partly because they don't move around much.

Or this one likes crickets, but just as friends. 
But, of course, the big draw is the bugs they let you hold!

This is Choclo getting ready to hand off an unnaturally  freakishly very large grasshopper off to Oob.

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