This time, for sea week, we had two teams: Squid Team and Shark Team.
Yes, I did have an illegal amount of fun calling out, "Squid Team!"
Squid Team built this life sized model of a giant squid!
Squid Team roll call: Mxyl, Leena, and Oob.
It's really hard to take a picture of anything 50 some feet long indoors.
The mantle alone is ten feet, it's arms are 20 feet long (orange), it's tentacles are 40 feet (red), and it's eyes are the size of dinner plates - no, wait, they are dinner plates!
Shark Team roll call: Klenda, Zorg, and Choclo.
Our shark was only 10 feet long and about 5 feet wide at it's widest point (counting fins)
I found it astonishing that they were able to sketch out the shark with no input from me besides finding a book with a shark picture!
Naturally, the shark and squid had to be locked in mortal combat, because, you know, they were right there!
Since we were sticking sea life to the ceiling, we made an assortment of fanciful balloon fish to
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