Sunday, September 23, 2012

Happy Belated Talk Like a Pirate Day!

 Did we celebrate?  ARRRRRRRRR!

We were a bit busy on the actual Talk Like a Pirate Day (September 19th), so we celebrated over the whole week!

We made treasure maps, which we aged with tea and fire.  An process equally impressive and smelly: very piratical!

It was interesting to see how detailed and/or realistic the different maps were.

We dressed up as pirates, aided by the redoubtable Klenda and face paint!

We went on several treasure hunts.  I set one up, and then Klenda organized one, and Oob has been making treasure hunts ever since.  His clues are cryptic, but, since he wants to lead you through it by pulling you along, it all works out!

We did a number of piratey Mad Libs, and other printables.

Fantastic website with more home schooly pirate resources here and pirate car games here.(HT to Diane Kieth Flynn for both of those)

We listened to Moby Dick (not technically pirate, but also not for land lubbers). (HT to Living Books for the Ears)

And it was the last hurrah for the squid and shark!

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