Thursday, July 11, 2013

Ahhhh, Vacation

 Last week we went up to NJ to visit my folks.  For extra bonus family time, my niece was visiting from Washington state!

Was she as crazy as the Zoomlians?  I'd say she fit right in.  The cousins had a great time together!

We went to see the circus together.  Amazingly enough, it was the Cole Brothers' Circus, the same one we go to in Maryland - it turns out they do shows further north in the summer.

 What else did we do?  Epic water fights (yes that's my mom, Mumpy, who's soaked to the skin there, but she gave as good as she got).

Lots and lots of fishing with Pa.  I wish I had thought to get a picture - Leena is fascinated with fishing, and I have no doubt that this was the high point of her summer!

 Choclo and Oob did hours of Angry Birds building.

Mumpy ate Choclo's toes (with whipped cream), and I'm pretty sure that was the high point of his summer.

 This might be the high point of mine: three generations!

It was a lovely trip, just too short!

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