Thursday, May 29, 2014

Guest Blog by Klenda: LOTS of shark teeth

We went to the bay and found a few more more shark teeth than usual (Hercules uses litotes) . We were starting to wonder why none of the other Adventurers had come, because they had said that they would, when a truckload of assorted children and moms arrived...
The moms, most with 5+ kids.
playing in the shallows.
We saw a horseshoe crab couple laying eggs (I don't think we took a picture, sorry) and two ducks. Choclo announced, "I got REALLY close to the ducks, and they didn't even bite me or hurt me!"
Trying not to get soaked.

So many shark teeth that we're buried beneath!

We eldest kids tried to escape from the middle school kids, who had gotten into a massive water fight, by wading way out.

We couldn't. Escape.

 In fact, we all got much wetter then expected.

Not that that's a bad thing.

And this was the accumulated work of 2 or 3 hours of hunting.
Why, yes, this is only what the seven of us found, not counting the other families. Why do you ask?

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