Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Guest Blog by Mxyl: Videos of Our Trip!

Hello, everyone!  On our trip discovering the world (although you'd think, being on this planet for 7 years, we'd already know something) we've shown you pictures, written blog posts, and described in detail where we've gone, and even showed you some videos of the trip and attractions.  There's one thing, however, that you have yet to see: us!

Here, recorded in stunning Super HD, is one and a half minutes of digitally remastered, optically digitized, full-fledged, spectacular, Han-shot-first amazingness of Zorg, Klenda and my reactions to Australia:

Allllright.  So maybe I exaggerated a bit. 

Anyway, I'm pretty sure we've forgotten someone else: our most hammy actor, Oob!  Here he is in Hawaii in an even more spectacular video!!

Lots of thanks to Ms. Anabelle for the leis and other Hawaiian things!

Mata atode,
ミクシェル ヴォータパーズ


  1. Those are great videos! I think I saw Oob on the beach :) It looks so real! Glad you all enjoyed the Hawaiian treats. I had fun putting it together.

  2. Wendy,

    I love the holiday videos! Very clever!
