Saturday, July 19, 2014

Back to Egypt Part 3: Favorite Ancient Egypt Resources

A little cuddle on the couch with his mummy
So, aside from warehouse club packages of toilet paper, here are some great resources we found in our Egyptian study.

The Amazing Pop-Up, Pull-Out Mummy Book.  As you can see, it's not exactly a book, more a kid sized, pop-out mummy with cool flaps to look under, and interesting text boxes.

I'm not saying that Choclo loves this mummy, just that he enjoys hanging out with it at all times and doesn't want it out of his sight.

We got it used in very good condition, and it really was in great condition!

Also, during The Great Library Sort of 2014, we discovered we had another mummy pop up book, because, you know, how can you ever have too many?

This was the excellent Egpytian Mummies: A Pop Up Book.  It's more bookish, but with lots of great pop ups and "lift the flap" discoveries.  We actually found about a dozen fun books on Ancient Egypt, but what I really wanted to share was the free web resources!

First off, Pinterest is a gold mine of Egyptian ideas. Several gold mines, in fact!

Our favorites were this mummification game.  Possibly not for the faint of heart, but, if you can get past the brain, it's fine.  I'm just saying preview it!  The same site had a nice hieroglyph translator (see your name in hieroglyphs).

If you are a fan of the "You wouldn't Want to.." series, they have the mummy one (and several others) online and interactive here. 

There's an interesting interactive CT scan of mummies here.

We also loved the Egyptian Mad Libs.  Actually, there were lots of fun things at that site, but we really liked our Mad Lib story of Cleopatra:

The Egyptian queen Auntie Em was totally Greek but is believed to have been able to read, write, and speak Egyptian. She was married to her blue brother David Attenborough and they ruled Egypt together, although they hated each other. He tried to have her killed but Auntie Em was tipped off and she fled to Pennsylvania. She returned with an army and the two had a stand off with neither side willing to budge. At about the same time, the Roman Street Sweeper Agent Coleson arrived on the scene. He sided with Auntie Em and killed David Attenborough. Auntie Em and Agent Coleson became romantically involved and had a son. She followed Agent Coleson back to Rome and stayed there until his death. Then she and her son returned to Egypt to explode. After Agent Coleson defenestrated, there was a power struggle between his adopted son Larry Boy and his friend Swamp Thing. Auntie Em became romantically involved with Swamp Thing and they hoped to create a truly stinky kingdom of Egypt and Rome together. In 31 BC the feud between Larry Boy and Swamp Thing erupted into a battle at sea off the coast of Greece. Swamp Thing and Auntie Em ditched the battle and fled back to Egypt, defeated. The following year, Larry Boy came to Egypt to assume control. Auntie Em didn't want to be humiliated by being paraded through Rome as a sandwich, so she pickled herself, supposedly by letting a poisonous penguin bite her. Egypt was now part of the Roman Empire and was thereafter ruled by emperors, not pharaohs.

Lastly, this video, set to music, was a nice "capstone" to a study of Ancient Egypt  It's only about 5 minutes, and evidently is part of a series: Music of History.  I plan to look into more of these.

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