Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Advent Thoughts

It's been the most Adventy Advent I can remember.

Advent is a time for preparation for Christmas, so you might think this means I have more of my Christmas shopping/wrapping/baking/mailing/crafting stuff done than usual.  Believe me, I don't!  I'm further behind than I can ever remember being!

No, it's been a time of interruptions. Minor illnesses. Car repairs. Health scares.Overflowing toilets. Crises and sorrows, large and small - not all of them mine.  Opportunities. 

Chances to let go of my organizational strategy and stop for the Child Christ plucking at my sleeve.

Chances for release from the tyranny of the "perfect" Christmas with one little thing missing.

Chances to focus on the One coming and see His face in my friend, in my spouse, in my own dear children.

Chances to live lovingly in the present.

Happy Advent!

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