Friday, December 12, 2014

Fun in New Jersey

 Last weekend I took Choclo and Oob up to see Mumpy and Pa.

What a fun trip!

Pa had gotten a pair of little remote control helicopters for the boys to play with.

We also spent some time playing and building with dominoes, and making Christmas decorations for their house.

That second picture is all of us drawing Christmas and Advent things. We all like to draw, and most of my drawing skill is stuff my Dad taught me about perspective and line.  He still draws much better than I do!

Speaking of art skill, when I was up in Mom's office, I saw this painting by my sister!  I just love the tender expression on Our Lord's face!

We had a lovely time.  We even got to explore their attic and take down their nativity set.  I wish I had taken a picture after I set it up!

It's a set that my parents made together while doing a ceramics class when I was young.  The pieces are large and white, glazed in mother of pearl - very beautiful!
They also had gotten a little gingerbread train kit for Choclo and Oob to do.  Since I had just rushed through 4 days of gingerbread madness, I thought that was pretty funny! 

But the kit was great!  Instead of a 3d train, each kid made their own 2d train, and we used the leftover parts to leave a sweet message for Mumpy and Pa!

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