Saturday, May 30, 2015

Happy Birthday, Choclo!

Choclo is 10!

This is what I love about my kids.  That's Choclo hugging Zorg after opening Zorg's present to him.

It was a Barraki named Mantax.

No, I don't know what that is either, but Zorg knew Choclo would love it and he did!

Choclo had a very happy day.  Besides all the presents, we went back to the aquarium.  He loved petting the jelly fish and looking at frogs, giant fish, and sharks.

He really does love sharks and Bionicle, which is why his cake ended up looking like this.

He loved it! Plus it was less creepy than last year's dinosaur.

10 Great Things About Choclo

1. He's a Webelo (that's the transition between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts).
2. He can do Algebra!
3. He likes sharks, cobras, and hummingbirds.
3. He knows a lot about Ancient Egypt, particularly mummies.
4. He gives great hugs!
5. He can build pretty much anything out of Legos.
5. He can build pretty much anything in Minecraft.
6. He can build Minecraft stuff out of Legos!
6. He still loves penguins!
7. He looks great in a mustache.
8. He likes to swim underwater.
8. He loves to read about all the things he's interested in, plus the things that he hasn't heard about, plus funny stories, plus adventure stories, plus how things work... I think he just loves to read!
9. He likes to do science experiments.
9. He likes to take walks in the woods and have adventures.
10. He likes to talk to God about everything, and he likes to tell Him jokes.

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