Saturday, November 12, 2016

Harvest Bazaar!

I have to say that the Harvest Bazaar, my parish's annual fund raiser, is pretty epic.

What I love most is seeing how everyone in the parish pulls together to give their best, and how everyone that shows up is welcomed like a long lost friend.

It's a funny and fun experience of living as the Body of Christ!

We have an enormous yard sale.

And the Boy scouts do their fabulous chicken BBQ.

We did 200 Scouts Honor Rolls for that.

Plus some mocha pecan pies for the bake sale- there's something to be said for having a house full of bakers!

Klenda and Leena volunteered for the Coke Toss.

The Emperor, Choclo and Oob ran the Softball Toss.

Mxyl and Zorg did the BBQ and helped at the popcorn booth.

Our friend, Fr. Conrad helped advertise the popcorn...

And our pastor, Fr. Mark (but not that Fr. Mark), gave the Emperor a run for his money on a vintage Centipede console.  So fun!

And it looks like the crafts  we did were selling well, especially the saint quote tiles!

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