Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Sisterly Visits

 One of the best things about this summer was that I got to see both of my sisters, even if it wasn't at the same time!

Sr. Rejoice made it home at the end of July (she flew in from Italy earlier in the month, but I was too sick to travel), and we all went up to see her.
 We had a great, but too short visit!

Fortunately, we're all on What's App, so we can text even when she's in Italy or Ghana.

She's setting up her convents in Ghana and finishing up her doctorate in Rome, so it was wonderful to hear all the news about how everything is going!
 And then Sr. MaryAnn made it back in early August.  She flew in to our local airport, and then I drove her up to see our folks.

Curiously, she and Sr.Rejoice went to the Assembly (the big annual meeting of their order) in the Middle of July, so they got a chance to hang out together as well!
After my and Mumpy's experience with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, we were all a little paranoid about ticks!

This is Sr. MaryAnn standing on the pavement near the field of sunflowers, but far away from any possible ticks!

She also spent some time with us back in Maryland, more on that in another post!

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