Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Wordless Wednesday: Visit With Sr. MaryAnn


  1. Hi Wendy,

    I just caught up with your blog posts and was sorry to hear you've been very unwell. I'm so glad you've now recovered. Also, your mum. Ticks are dangerous creatures! How lovely that you were able to see both your sisters recently. And have a holiday. The holiday retreat house looks like just the sort of place we'd enjoy spending a few days.

    So much has happened in your life over the past few months. It makes me realise I have lost touch with your blog and many others. I've been avoiding the Internet because I've felt overwhelmed by it. Also, Gemma-Rose needs more of my undivided attention. Finding a balance can be difficult.

    God bless you!

  2. Thanks for your kind comment! I have been catching up a bit at your blog on and off and saw that you were pulling back a little too. I think it's fine to have seasons of on and off internet usage. IRL is most important! I don't have Facebook to worry about, but I pretty much have to do the blog because I use it for my homeschooling records. My kids love having the record of their childhood, but, honestly, having the "mustn't forget we did this" is what keeps me regularly blogging! Then again, I find after some time off, I really enjoy the blogging again!
