Thursday, June 20, 2019

Portfolio Review Round 2: Science, Social Studies and Whatnot

Science:  I'm pretty sure I mentioned my epic high school science survey course where we did Astronomy, Geology, Oceanography, and Genetics.
Here are a few of the books I used to develop the class.

It was a toss up between Oceanography and Paleontology, but the squids won, and I did Paleontology for the younger kids in the spring. So fun!

Choclo and Oob and I also did some Great Courses on The Science of Birds, and Birding in North America, both of which Oob had gotten for Christmas,  We also did a lot of birding...  Oooh!  We loved Blue Planet II!

And we often watch science based YouTubes during lunch.  We like Veratasium, It's OK to be Smart, Smarter Every Day, TED ED Lessons, Lesley the Bird Nerd,  and The Kid Should See This.

Social Studies: The big thing this year was the Awesome Geography Class, supported by the excellent Geography Now. Links coming to the sidebar soon!

We also did CNN 10 for current events, and lots of rabbit holes and reading based on historical interests.

I guess we could stick Philosophy and Business classes here?

Whatnot: PE: So many outings, hiking, biking, climbing!  This was the year I felt we really got active as a family.

Special to Zorg: He's continued doing work on role playing games and  working out his own stories.  He's found a great love of philosophy, a possible vocation to the priesthood, and a real heart for service.  Right now he's volunteering at a summer camp for reservation kids in North Dakota.  This year he made Eagle Scout, and graduated high school!

Special to Leena: This year she started getting paid commissions for art, voice acting,  and composing music.  She wrote a novella, then turned it into an audio book that she is publishing a chapter at a time on her You Tube channel.  She's doing the art, composing the music, acting, writing, and directing.  She's also doing voice work on dozens of projects, and composing and acting for Red Star Games. Her Sound Cloud is here.

Special to Choclo and Oob: They have been writing and illustrating books, doing photography, making videos and creating fun games that we all play!  They have also been creating skits and plays to entertain family and friends.  And they've been doing a lot of biking, birding, and Legos!

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