Friday, February 24, 2012

Ready, Set, Lent

 We did get everything set up on Ash Wednesday, despite the fact that, after I thought we were done, Leena asked with a piteous quaver, "What about our Walking with Jesus poster?"

Fortunately, there is a three year lectionary cycle and we had been doing the poster for four years, so I was able to look up the layout on the blog archives!

So, we start Ash Wednesday at the ash cross near the words, and we follow one footprint a day, coloring it in as we go.  The kids also like to add flowers to represent their sacrifices.

I really like how the vine and branches came out - much less like a tree than usual!  We have written "Jesus" on the vine, and our names on the branches.  One day out, everyone's branch is already bearing fruit!

I ended up running out to the store to get a paper cutter, the better to make forty 4" squares for the Lenten Cross.  It doesn't look like much now, but it will eventually be amazing (we hope).

And Klenda made a jar for the sacrifice beans, so we're all set up and ready for Lent!

For the adults, the Emperor and I are going to start watching Catholicism tonight!

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