Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Happy Birthday, Klenda?

So, her actual birthday was... a while ago.

But she turned 22, and had a great time!

 Leena helped make the cake, and I helped decorate it.

She got one of the most fun presents I've ever seen for a young adult!

It was a a package of a ton of different candies from Japan, another package with a variety of savory snacks, and a third package of a variety of Japanese drinks. 

Watching her open things and try to translate them, and try different things was a hoot!

22 Great Things About Klenda

1. She is learning Japanese.
2. She has amazing art skills!
3. She stands up for what she thinks is right.
3. She plays the piano a bit and guitar a lot.
4. She loves to read great books.
4. She has the same birthday as the Fourth Doctor.
5. She is a loving and supportive sister.
5. She loves to learn.
6. She seems to be able to teach herself pretty much anything. 7. She has a great sense of style.
7. She's a careful driver.
8. She sees more colors than I do!
9. She sees beauty everywhere.
10. She's a fun dancer.
10. She's a careful observer.
11. She's a very supportive and compassionate friend.
12. She's an integral part of Team Valtapaz.
13. Her chocolate buttercream pie is swoon-worthy.
14.  She's a talented and creative cook.
14. She's an excellent baker.
15.  She's got a green thumb.
16. She's always up for an adventure.
16. She always does more than the minimum.
17. She's an out of the box thinker.
18. She makes great mixtapes.
19. She's always willing to lend a hand.
19. She's very good at puzzles.
20. Her critical thinking is the key to her success.
21. She's Ultra cool.
21. She shines in multiple fandoms.
22. She loves to support other artists.
22. Her love of God shines.

1 comment:

jhoni said...

lena nice name you have and cake decoration is most attractive thing you have keep it up and nice place you chose for your birthday clebraion.