Leena Beana is an adult!
And I'm really behind on my blogging because her birthday was last month!
18 Awesome Things About Leena:
1. She's always willing to help out.
2. She's great at audio and video editing!
3. She tells horribly hilarious jokes and puns.
3. She is a gerbil whisperer.
4. She runs two hilarious Twitter accounts!
5. She plays piano in the basement or the reading nook, and the whole house sounds great!
5. She really cares about other people.
6. She has a beautiful singing voice.
7. She's on the honor roll for her college classes.
7. She likes to have adventures.
8. She has over a thousand subscribers on
her You Tube channel!
9. She's a sweet and loving sister.
9. She draws amazingly well.
10. She can have fun with people much older than she is.
12. She can have fun with people much younger than she is.
12. She has dozens of music compositions on
her Sound Cloud Channel!
13. She and I are in charge of the flowers for our parish!
13. She makes great baked beans.
14. She writes scripts, short stories, and novellas.
15. She's always up for crazy ideas.
15. She knows a LOT about G2 Bionicle.
16. She's a wonderful voice actress.
17. She gets paid to write music, do art,
and voice act!
17. She is ridiculously musically talented.
18. She's a sweet, thoughtful and loving person.