1. I had a sudden realization that small, fun projects that can be finished in an evening are wonderful.
I'm not a seamstress by any stretch, but I can make pillowcases for my window seat decorative pillows out of any pretty fabric that catches my eye.
Because sewing 3 sides of a rectangle is something I can do!
2. Which led me to the realization that a bag is basically a pillowcase with handles.
I realized this specifically when I saw the Art Deco stained glass fabrics at JoAnn's (I don't get paid by them, just mentioning it in case you love the fabric).
So now I have a knitting bag for my complicated knitting project (for waiting rooms and audiobooks) and one for my simple knitting project (for knitting during movies).
3. In actual fact, I am helping Klenda on a really fabulous sewing project of hers... but I'll have to wait for it to be done to show you. It's a bit nerve wracking to be the expert advice on something when you are seriously NOT an expert. It helps to have Mumpy on board. She has forgotten much more about sewing than I am ever likely to know.
4.Here's a picture of some fresh, clean, delightful smelling crocuses.
I think it's a much nicer picture than a picture of the sewer back up in our basement.
Or me cleaning it up.
But, I tell myself, is it really Lent if you don't have some sort of unpleasant minor disaster to offer up?
5. On a happier note, have I mentioned how much I love having my parents living with me?
They are truly some of my favorite people in the world, and we have so much fun together!

6. Which reminds me that one of the funniest things I've ever seen was when I showed my parents The Mandalorian, thinking that my dad would really like it, and my mom would be ok with it.
Well. My dad really did like it, but my mom totally fell in love with Baby Yoda/Grogu!
We got her a doll for Christmas, and had fun binge watching all the episodes.
Actually, my sister, now vaccinated, is coming for her home visit next month, and we'll probably watch them all again with her!
7. I should mention that my sister is a SOLT sister out in North Dakota, coming on a home visit, as opposed to getting out jail or something.
I haven't seen her in nearly 2 years because of the pandemic, so I'm super excited!
There's just something special about the bond between sisters!
More fun with Kelly!