We had a great time last week while the boys were off at camp. It was Girls' Week!
We made bath fizzies! Bath fizzies are fantastic! At last, sweet smelling science!
The principal behind bath fizzies is actually the same as a baking soda and vinegar volcano. Seriously, they even contain baking soda!
Here's the recipe:
1/2 c. citric acid
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup corn starch
powdered food coloring
1/2 tsp almond oil
Mix it all together and then start misting with water while you stir. When it's just damp enough to hold together when you squeeze it, pack it into molds and let it dry for an hour. Turn them out of the molds and let dry overnight, then seal in bags or bins.
Really, that's it. You have a dried acid (citric), a dried base (baking soda), and a binder (cornstarch). Here's the interesting part: acid/base reactions only happen in the presence of water! As long as the acid and base remain dry, they will not interact. Drop it in the bath, of course, and it's a bath bomb!

Klenda practiced on Leena:
Leena did a great job on Klenda, too, but I didn't get a picture (bad mom!).