At the tail end of June, Mxyl, Klenda, and Zorg returned from North Dakota (to a hero's welcome).
Three days later, The Emperor, Choclo, and Oob set off on an epic two week camping adventure to the wilds of northern New York, near Canada. More on that in another post.
What did the rest of us do while they were gone?

Watched Pride and Prejudice. Then watched Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Definitely the most horror like movie I've ever watched willingly, but a lot of fun with the oldest four!
And then we pulled the whole house apart.
The big project for the summer was updating the kitchen.
Shortly after that was underway, my Dad took a turn for the worse and we realized that my parents might need to move in with us on short notice.

In a bit less than two weeks, we completely emptied and resorted the office, the chapel, and the guest room,
and redid the whole kitchen!

The new chapel (old office) looks like this.

That's a monstrance in the center of the main altar.
This room would be my parents' living room
The guest room is the same (except, you know, the closets are empty and you can use the bed and see the floor).
There's also a small bathroom attached.
This would be my parents' bedroom.

The new office (old chapel) is on the bottom floor, and is large enough for 4 desks.
We have Klenda's desk, then Lenna's, Zorg's, and mine.

And it still fits all the homeschool stuff and art supplies!
We also resorted the museum to make space for a small office for my folks, although we'd likely have to share that room. We need a certain amount of storage on the main floor and, currently, Klenda is using it to paint.

Near the middle of those crazy two weeks, I went off for a quick visit to New Jersey. Which seems a bit crazy now that I write it down.
My dad was a tiny bit better.
The tomato plants in the coal buckets had turned into trees.

The lake was gorgeous!
One morning I heard what sounded like an irate chicken, but, looking out I found it to be this pileated woodpecker, or, as I like to call them now, a tree chicken.
And then I went home and finished up the kitchen before the boys came back! I think I better put that in tomorrow's post.