I have damaged Kitchen Aids in the past (when they "walked" off the edge of the counter and plunged to their doom) but this was the first time one broke under normal use.
The part that you attach the paddle to fell off the machine.
Actually, with one car on the fritz, I didn't even want to pay for a professional repair.
So, I looked around online and found the part for $15 and You Tube instructions on how to replace it. I felt an educational experience coming on!!
I carefully reviewed the instructions and determined that I lacked only two things: grease, and a pair of retaining ring pliers. I got the grease at the auto parts store, and I figured I could jerry rig the pliers.
It all went exactly as planned...until I hit the retaining ring. It turns out you really DO need the retaining ring pliers! I fussed with it anyway, but eventually I broke down and called in the Marines: Bill!!!
And he did have a the retaining ring pliers and knew how to use them, and now I have my mixer back in perfect working order!
I get by with a little help from my friends...:)
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