Sunday, December 14, 2008

Fame and Fortune

Well, fame, anyway! We are featured in a fun article by Kate Tsubata in the Washington Times .

In a bizarre coincidence, we are also in an article in Faith and Family this month, but that won't be available online until next month.

We'll just bask in the glory for a moment...

OK, times up!

Happy Gaudete Sunday! I guess that's redundant, since "gaudete" means "rejoice!"
For your rejoicing, my favorite version of "Gaudete" on You Tube:


Tracy said...

What a great article! Congratulations!

Wendy said...

Thank you, thank you, my, um, one admiring fan! :)

Garden State Kate said...

Hey, you know I am already a makes two!!
Great article. I have been having computer issues, so I am behind in
visiting and blogging right now.
I am so glad she mentioned the Giant Squid!!