I'm pretty sure everyone knows about the Piano Guys by now, but this always makes me happy!
It also gives the Zoomlians ideas about where we should put a grand piano and what they could do with it...
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Monday, April 29, 2013
The Rosary Project
We have a book that we love to use while praying the Rosary. It's an enormous three feet tall, and it features beautiful icon-like images for each decade and smaller, cartoon-like images for each Hail Mary (along with a scripture quote for each Hail Mary). It's a beautiful, thoughtful, prayerful work that makes Rosary praying easy, even for distraction prone young kids (and parents).
If you aren't Catholic, the Rosary is a prayer in which you say decades (groups of 10 Hail Marys) while meditating on events in the life of Christ. The Hail Marys are there to keep track of the length of the meditation, to involve your body in the prayer, and, originally, as a way for illiterate people to "say" all 150 psalms like the monks did. But the heart of the prayer is the meditation, and the greatest difficulty is distraction, and that was what was so great about this book!
I've been griping about the lack for several years now, and it finally occurred to me that I could make something similar.
Lacking in the kind of talent which produced the first book, I turned to Google. The kids and I googled the first Luminous Mystery, the Baptism of the Lord, and did an image search. We picked out 12 diversely appealing images, then printed them and cut them out as 3 by 5s.
I then wrote out scripture verses on the backs of the cards. I totally cheated on this one, using my scriptural Rosary app. Then I realized I could get the quotes on line, so, for the next batch, I printed them out and glue sticked the quotes to the backs of the pictures. Easy peasy!
I lay the cards on contact paper, then folded over the contact paper so the cards were laminated. I cut these out, then punched a hole in one corner. I unfolded a paper clip and used that as a ring to bind them together.
So far we've made The Baptism of the Lord and The Wedding at Cana, and I hope to do them all!
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Poem of the Week
Dawn is a Fisherman - by Raymond Barrow
Dawn is a fisherman, his harpoon of light
Poised for a throw - so swiftly morning comes:
The darkness squats upon the sleeping land
Like a flung cast-net, and the black shapes of boats
Lie hunched like nesting turtles
On the flat calm of the sea.
Among the trees the houses peep at the stars
Blinking farewell, and half-awakened birds
Hurtle across the vista, some in the distance
Giving their voice self-criticized auditions.
Warning comes from the cocks, their necks distended
Like city trumpeters: and suddenly
Between the straggling fences of gray cloud
The sun, a barefoot boy, strides briskly up
The curved beach of the sky, flinging his greetings
Warmly in all directions, laughingly saying
Up, up, the day is here! Another day is here!
HT: Poetry Free for All
Dawn is a fisherman, his harpoon of light
Poised for a throw - so swiftly morning comes:
The darkness squats upon the sleeping land
Like a flung cast-net, and the black shapes of boats
Lie hunched like nesting turtles
On the flat calm of the sea.
Among the trees the houses peep at the stars
Blinking farewell, and half-awakened birds
Hurtle across the vista, some in the distance
Giving their voice self-criticized auditions.
Warning comes from the cocks, their necks distended
Like city trumpeters: and suddenly
Between the straggling fences of gray cloud
The sun, a barefoot boy, strides briskly up
The curved beach of the sky, flinging his greetings
Warmly in all directions, laughingly saying
Up, up, the day is here! Another day is here!
HT: Poetry Free for All
Friday, April 26, 2013
Seven Quick Takes Friday
1. Mxyl is back!!! After nearly three weeks away in Japan, it is so great to have him (and Grammy) home again!!!
2. An actual conversation this past week:
Acquaintance: Oh! You like science fiction and comic books! Now your blog makes perfect sense!
Me: ???????
So break out the cool sunglasses, already!
We have two slack lines: the red one is parallel to the street, the yellow one is running from the deck to the tree, at a 90 degree angle to the red.
We also have the play house and the badminton/ volleyball net up. Everyone's happy except for the grass around the net, but, as the Emperor told me, it's better to have us in shape than the grass in shape.
7. Have I mentioned how happy I am to have all my kids on one continent again?
It's been a good reminder to me to enjoy this time with all my kids under one roof!
For those of you still living in Babyville, yeah, it does go fast.
More fun with Jen
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Kids' Chemistry: Heat
Anyway, they also remembered that heat caused an increase in reaction rates: it sped up the dissolution of the bouillon cubes, and it sped up diffusion.
I also wanted them to see that heat affects density in liquids and gases. I used 2 wide mouthed quart jars, and two little (8oz) soda bottles.
The cold water fell quickly.
Next I filled the other bottle with hot water, dyed red, and sealed it with foil and a rubber band.
I placed the sealed bottle into the wide mouthed jar, then filled the rest of the jar with cold water (strained ice water).
Next I pierced the foil on the hot water with a pencil tip.
The red water rose to the top, looking very much like a volcano!
We moved on to gases. Before class, I had placed an empty, uncapped soda bottle in the freezer. Now I took it out and capped it with a quarter.
Theoretically, as the air in the bottle warmed and expanded, the coin would clatter and move.
Actually, the bottle got knocked over (twice!) and was filled with room temperature air. So, your mileage may vary!
The black paper was two degrees warmer than the white.
I stuffed a jar with fine grade steel wool, then poured in some vinegar. I sealed it with a double layer of foil, then put a cooking thermometer through the foil into the center of the steel wool.
Over the course of 10 minutes, the temperature went up about 2 degrees- rust really is burning in slow motion!
Naturally, everyone wanted to stir!
I didn't use a thermometer on this one, but the kids all could feel the jar growing warmer.
You need 160 grams of sodium acetate (which is the amount in the beaker) dissolved in only 30ml of water (which is the amount in the graduated cylinder). It looks like a ridiculous proportion of solid to liquid - and it is!
But this is a case where a relatively low saturation point is very affected by temperature.
If you heat the mixture in a boiling water bath, the entire amount will go into solution, and it will stay in solution as mixture cools. This is called a super saturated solution.
And it only takes one tiny sodium acetate crystal (or even a hard tap on the side of the jar) to cause the sodium acetate to fall out of solution.
It instantly blooms into beautiful crystals and releases all that stored up heat you used to coax it into solution.
The best part is that you can put those crystals (now a solid block with no visible water) back into solution by adding more heat, so your sodium acetate is completely reusable!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Marching Through Time: The Other Stuff
A few high lights from the rest of the stuff we saw at about Marching Through Time:
A Nazi officer explaining the antipersonnel mine called the "bouncing betty." When activated, it would pop up out of the ground to about head height and spray shrapnel over 100 yards.

A WWI "tommy" (British soldier) wearing an early gas mask. You breathed in through the chemically treated fabric of the mask, and out through the one way valve under the "tongue."
That re-enactor was fabulous! He told us that he had been careful to get a mask had not been used in the war, because a re-enactor had recently suffered burns to his face from trying on a gas mask that had seen actual use. More than 70 years later, the mustard gas residue on the mask was still active!
A first century Roman centurion threatening Leena!
Actually, she escaped.
Several centuries later, she and Zorg drew an English long bow from the War of the Roses.
The War of the Roses was fun for everyone (of us, not sure how great it was to live through)!
Zorg, Choclo and Oob tried on a variety of helmets.

Klenda tried out a gauntlet, then pondered world domination.
Mxyl was tied up in Japan, so somebody had to do it!
Then Klenda and Leena went off with the medieval dancers. Here they are doing a tangle dance - very fun!
Later, we all joined in on one of the circle dances that starts slow and goes faster and faster. Choclo and Oob collapsed in giggle fits at the end and wanted to do it again and again!
There was a large encampment of ... Hessians? Mmmm... 1600s where Germany would eventually be... Wonderful two handed swords with wavy blades (zwiehanders and flamberges, what does it say about me that I can remember the swords but not the group?). Very cool, fancier armor than the War of the Roses and stylish slashed sleeves and feathered hats. Anyone know?
We also went through a ship from 1812, looked over the privateers and were heading home when...
Someone (from the Napoleonic wars) asked if we would help him load his cannon.
How can you say no to that?
A Nazi officer explaining the antipersonnel mine called the "bouncing betty." When activated, it would pop up out of the ground to about head height and spray shrapnel over 100 yards.
A WWI "tommy" (British soldier) wearing an early gas mask. You breathed in through the chemically treated fabric of the mask, and out through the one way valve under the "tongue."
That re-enactor was fabulous! He told us that he had been careful to get a mask had not been used in the war, because a re-enactor had recently suffered burns to his face from trying on a gas mask that had seen actual use. More than 70 years later, the mustard gas residue on the mask was still active!
A first century Roman centurion threatening Leena!
Several centuries later, she and Zorg drew an English long bow from the War of the Roses.
The War of the Roses was fun for everyone (of us, not sure how great it was to live through)!
Zorg, Choclo and Oob tried on a variety of helmets.
Klenda tried out a gauntlet, then pondered world domination.
Mxyl was tied up in Japan, so somebody had to do it!
Then Klenda and Leena went off with the medieval dancers. Here they are doing a tangle dance - very fun!
Later, we all joined in on one of the circle dances that starts slow and goes faster and faster. Choclo and Oob collapsed in giggle fits at the end and wanted to do it again and again!
There was a large encampment of ... Hessians? Mmmm... 1600s where Germany would eventually be... Wonderful two handed swords with wavy blades (zwiehanders and flamberges, what does it say about me that I can remember the swords but not the group?). Very cool, fancier armor than the War of the Roses and stylish slashed sleeves and feathered hats. Anyone know?
We also went through a ship from 1812, looked over the privateers and were heading home when...
How can you say no to that?
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
A Change of Pace
After weather in the 80s all week, we had a violent storm blow through, leaving us with highs in the 50s. The storm was expected, but it wasn't til 15 minutes before the storm started that I realized the wind and rain would wipe out most of our tulips!
I suggested that the kids pick the tulips from their gardens, and we quickly had a house filled with flowers!
The white tulips were from Oob's garden.
The orange and yellow were from Choclo's.
The multi colored bunch are from Zorg.
The pink stripey ones are mine.
The big bunch of dandelions were a gift from Choclo! I've always thought that if dandelions were hard to grow, they'd be expensive. They are a lovely flower with intricate leaves and an interesting seed head - and edible, to boot!
Klenda came up with this stunning arrangement using tulips and double daffodils from her garden, augmented with some extra white tulips from Oob (Oob planted tons of tulips).
I like the way she incorporated leaves into her design. She has a definite flair for art!
These purple ones are from my cutting garden. They were just opening, so they probably could have weathered the storm, but purple is the Emperor's favorite color. I tucked in a bit of white lilac for fragrance.
I suggested that the kids pick the tulips from their gardens, and we quickly had a house filled with flowers!
The white tulips were from Oob's garden.
The orange and yellow were from Choclo's.
The multi colored bunch are from Zorg.
The pink stripey ones are mine.
The big bunch of dandelions were a gift from Choclo! I've always thought that if dandelions were hard to grow, they'd be expensive. They are a lovely flower with intricate leaves and an interesting seed head - and edible, to boot!
Klenda came up with this stunning arrangement using tulips and double daffodils from her garden, augmented with some extra white tulips from Oob (Oob planted tons of tulips).
I like the way she incorporated leaves into her design. She has a definite flair for art!
These purple ones are from my cutting garden. They were just opening, so they probably could have weathered the storm, but purple is the Emperor's favorite color. I tucked in a bit of white lilac for fragrance.
Monday, April 22, 2013
Marching Through Time: Vietnam
I may be a history geek, but Marching Through Time makes me want to "squee" like a teenage girl. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
It's the answer to: "What if you could get all the historical re-enactors together in the same place... then arrange them chronologically?" SQUEE!!
Anyway, every year we start at the beginning and never make it to the end. So, this year, we started at the end and went backwards! That first picture is the Zoomlians manning a machine gun nest from the Vietnam conflict.
And we have Klenda and Zorg working on a Claymore mine.
Oob with a rifle! He and the rest of the Zoomlians are in front of a MUTT.
Choclo with grenades!
It was fascinating for me because I grew up with all this stuff. Not only was my Dad a bomb guy in Vietnam, but I grew up on a military base and had a lot of this stuff around the house. I'm pretty sure my Dad still has that crook shaped army green flashlight! But the strangest experience, by far, was stepping into the tents from that era and recognizing the smell!!! It was kind of disorienting, especially because the re-enactor could have stepped off one of my Dad's slides.
It's the answer to: "What if you could get all the historical re-enactors together in the same place... then arrange them chronologically?" SQUEE!!
Anyway, every year we start at the beginning and never make it to the end. So, this year, we started at the end and went backwards! That first picture is the Zoomlians manning a machine gun nest from the Vietnam conflict.
And we have Klenda and Zorg working on a Claymore mine.
Choclo with grenades!
It was fascinating for me because I grew up with all this stuff. Not only was my Dad a bomb guy in Vietnam, but I grew up on a military base and had a lot of this stuff around the house. I'm pretty sure my Dad still has that crook shaped army green flashlight! But the strangest experience, by far, was stepping into the tents from that era and recognizing the smell!!! It was kind of disorienting, especially because the re-enactor could have stepped off one of my Dad's slides.
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Poem of the Week
Best read aloud by candlelight..
By Emily Brontë
The night is darkening round me
The night is darkening round me,
The wild winds coldly blow;
But a tyrant spell has bound me,
And I cannot, cannot go.
The giant trees are bending
Their bare boughs weighed with snow;
The storm is fast descending,
And yet I cannot go.
Clouds beyond clouds above me,
Wastes beyond wastes below;
But nothing drear can move me;
I will not, cannot go.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Shark Tooth Expedition
This was amazingly fun! I had put out a call to all the homeschoolers that we were headed down to the Bay, but had gotten only one response.
So I was delighted when, after we had been there a little while, two more families showed up. So, 4 families, 19 kids!
We also had along a friend who was studying home schoolers. He got a broad perspective talking to all of us, plus he found the largest and best preserved seven gill cow shark tooth I've ever seen. The big megalodon tooth eluded him, but, as I told him, if he found one of those his first time out after all the time we've been (unsuccessfully) looking, he was walking home!
Our family found over a hundred fossil shark teeth, not counting ray plates, bone fragments(from dolphins and whales), and a tail barb (which was a first for us)!
Actually, everyone found tons of teeth, despite this being the first trip for many - really it was the perfect day!
Except that I miscalculated the time and we stayed 3 1/2 hours...which would have been fine if I had used sun screen... The longest we've stayed before this was 2 hours, and I thought it had been 2 1/2.
Fortunately the sunburns weren't too bad (except, strangely, the tops of my feet). I usually try to give the kids moderate sun exposure starting in the weak sun of April so that they have some sun tolerance by the time we get to summer (and therefore it's not a disaster if they get some sun), but this time was an oops.
But, other than that it was a perfect day!
We also had along a friend who was studying home schoolers. He got a broad perspective talking to all of us, plus he found the largest and best preserved seven gill cow shark tooth I've ever seen. The big megalodon tooth eluded him, but, as I told him, if he found one of those his first time out after all the time we've been (unsuccessfully) looking, he was walking home!
Actually, everyone found tons of teeth, despite this being the first trip for many - really it was the perfect day!
Except that I miscalculated the time and we stayed 3 1/2 hours...which would have been fine if I had used sun screen... The longest we've stayed before this was 2 hours, and I thought it had been 2 1/2.
Fortunately the sunburns weren't too bad (except, strangely, the tops of my feet). I usually try to give the kids moderate sun exposure starting in the weak sun of April so that they have some sun tolerance by the time we get to summer (and therefore it's not a disaster if they get some sun), but this time was an oops.
But, other than that it was a perfect day!
Friday, April 19, 2013
The Miocene Seas at Our House
In the Miocene era (25 million years ago), the Chesapeake Bay covered where our house is, going all the way up to DC. Since were headed out on a fossil shark tooth expedition later in the week, I thought it would be fun to do a mural of what was here back then.
Thursday, April 18, 2013
When Catholic Memes Crosses Over With Our Study of the Bayeux Tapestry
Hic Darcus Vadorus – This is Darth Vader.
Luxgladium tenet – Holding a lightsaber.
“Non. Ego sum pater tuus.” – “No. I am your father.”
Hic Lucius Cæliambulus – This is Luke Skywalker.
“Imo. Non est verus.” – “No. It’s not true.”
From Catholic Memes, of course!
Easter Art: Tree of Life

I got the idea for this week's art project from Deep Space Sparkle , who did an interesting take on Klimt's Tree of Life. The original picture from Klimt is the one on the left. Her take is on the right.
I thought it looked interesting, but I couldn't shake the association with the song that starts, "Tree of life and awesome mystery..."
In the song, the tree of life is the cross- what a great Easter project!
Here's what we did:
Klenda's design incorporated hearts and birds.
Zorg's tree wrapped vine-like around the cross and ended up looking like a monstrance.
And Oob painted this. A bit more Picasso than Klimt!
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