It's the answer to: "What if you could get all the historical re-enactors together in the same place... then arrange them chronologically?" SQUEE!!
Anyway, every year we start at the beginning and never make it to the end. So, this year, we started at the end and went backwards! That first picture is the Zoomlians manning a machine gun nest from the Vietnam conflict.
And we have Klenda and Zorg working on a Claymore mine.
Choclo with grenades!
It was fascinating for me because I grew up with all this stuff. Not only was my Dad a bomb guy in Vietnam, but I grew up on a military base and had a lot of this stuff around the house. I'm pretty sure my Dad still has that crook shaped army green flashlight! But the strangest experience, by far, was stepping into the tents from that era and recognizing the smell!!! It was kind of disorienting, especially because the re-enactor could have stepped off one of my Dad's slides.
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