Last week, we actually had a picnic in the lilac maze (best place in the world for hide and seek), but the week before, we went frog hunting at the dogwood garden.

I generally call all insects bugs, but I was chided for this by an entomologist at the Natural History museum. A ladybug is not a bug, it's a beetle. A stink bug, OTH, is a real bug.
We found no frogs, but three or four toads in the pool at the bottom of the garden. I'd love to know what kind they are: they are concrete colored and have strange yellow spots on the backs of their thighs.
The kids caught some, but we found no tadpoles.
Then a helpful arboretum employee passed by and explained that the pond had recently been drained and cleaned and all tadpoles moved to the cypress pond.

They had a lot of frogs! We also saw lots and lots of egg masses, but no tadpoles. I think they were hanging out under the duckweed.
We'll just have to go back in another week!
UPDATE: The "toads" were actually Gray's Treefrogs!