Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Birthday, Oob!! Part 1

As I write this, one year ago today at this time we were making the decision at the hospital to go ahead with labor instead of sending me home. He was 2 1/2 weeks early, but if the contractions turned into full labor at home,it was going to be a home birth (Choclo took 1 1/4 hours.)

It turned out to be the right call. Oob was facing backwards, had the cord around his neck several times, and then aspirated random goop (not meconium) and was in the NICU for more than a week. It would not have gone well at home.

And here we are a year later (how could it possibly have been a year?), thanking God for this year of delicious babyness. Thanking God for our beautiful Oob!

And celebrating of course! We started with a party on Saturday and Oob's first (authorized) choclolate. Choclo (appropriately enough) helped frost the cake.

Oob was a little alarmed that his cake was on fire, but enjoyed it very much !

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