So, a week ago Tuesday, I had my portfolio review and it went very well. For me this marks the "end" of the school year and the "start" of summer (which makes no sense because we do stuff year round and it's not like we're going to just stop learning now).
But, in my head, there must be some kind of distinction because
the very next day, I kicked back and relaxed.
Ha, ha! NO! I launched another massive household reorganization.
Of course, it started small.
Zorg and Choclo were sharing a room that was clearly too small for them. For months I had been trying to figure out a way to better organize things, but the fact is, it would take far greater organizational skills than I possess to fit two boys, assorted toys and clothes, and 857,096 legos into that space. And, I think there was a bunk bed in there, too.
The obvious answer was to put them in the nursery/store room/extra bedroom upstairs. Except that would mean removing all the
junk stuff which had been
multiplying into disorganized heaps of random bizarreness accumulating there.
Since this was clearly too minor a project, I also realized that, if we were indeed welcoming a graduate student next semester, I needed to move my office from the main guest room into the new store room/former too small bedroom. Hmmm.
I took quite a few before and after pictures, all of which are stuck on my phone, which has decided it is no longer on speaking terms with my computer.
Since, however, you
have insomnia are dying to know the details, this is how it went:
Day 1: Removed all the stuff from the nursery into the library. Painted the room green, then took Choclo and Zorg to pick curtains.

Day 2: Moved all of Zorg and Choclo's stuff into their new room. Also did the annual Girls' Shopping Excursion for summer clothes with Klenda and Leena!
Day 3: Removed and sorted everything in the library (those 7 words do not seem epic enough, but I will spare you the details). Bought another desk and a new bookcase for the new office, on the theory that a graduate student probably will need the old (larger) desk, and bookcase.

Day 4: Realized I could not "live with" the gold walls, and discovered that I had one more full paint gallon from painting the nursery 10 years ago.
Glad I still like the color!

The Emperor's sister miraculously showed up with an amazingly useful old bookcase originally designed to hold LPs.
Assembled the new store room and office.

Discovered that I can still fit my favorite microscope on the new and smaller desk!
Day 5: Father's Day! Another post.
Day 6-8: Klenda woke up with a triple ear infection. Bet you didn't know she had that many ears! Two outer and one middle ear infections. And we have been in a frenzy of doctor visits since. She is just starting to do a bit better today.

Also, between medical visits, the rest of the Zoomlians managed to rearrange the back basement to accommodate the stuff that wouldn't fit in the store room, and I cleared my stuff from the guest room.
I know what I missed: on the Girls' Shopping Excursion, we found the perfect carpet and pillows to complete the living room ensemble.
Whew. Just recounting it makes me tired!