One reason that I'm backed up on the blogs (not just mine, I haven't had time to
read blogs!) is the adjustment to our "full load" schedule.
Mxyl turned 16, he became not only
eligible to drive, but also to take college classes at out local community college. So he did!
Continuing his interest in computer animation, he is taking a computer graphics course and an art history course. This means he's off at college twice a week for 5 hours a shot! He's having a great time and learning a lot (foremost how to juggle time, homework, and deadlines).
He's also taking Japanese in a separate, online course. And all the rest of the high school stuff.
Did I mention he just got elected Senior Patrol Leader for his scout troop? And he's doing art lessons. And Youth Group. Plus, he's teaching himself how to play guitar.
And he, along with the rest of the Zoomlians, are doing the co-op, Anatomy and Physiology, and Adventurers with us.
Amongst other Zoomlians, Klenda is learning Spanish in preparation for a trip to Spain next summer, and she's doing art and piano lessons, and Junior Ladies of Charity and the rest of her stuff.
Zorg is beginning preparations for Confirmation next year! And he's doing Spanish (for an eventual trip to see Tia and Tio), Art, Geometry, and his regular stuff. And he's been elected Patrol Leader of his patrol of his scout troop!
Leena is doing Art, Piano, Spanish, Junior Ladies of Charity, and the rest of
her stuff, all while keeping up her sunny smile and social whirl.
Choclo is doing Wolf Scouts, and Oob will soon be starting Tiger Scouts.
I am working through Anatomy and Physiology, and not reading many blogs!
It reminds me of when I had many kids under five: it's like drinking from a fire hose. It's all great, fun stuff, but there sure is a
lot of it!
It should settle down as we find our rhythm, but it's kind of wild right now.